What a coup for the enemy of the human soul. To lure professing believers by the nose ring of their own covetousness and lust to seek after all things transient and pertaining to corruptible flesh. How Satan and his messengers sing a historic, predictable dirge. Or is it perhaps more accurately the case that such permission is granted revilers as a judgement against them by an offended God?
Ah the hissss of Popularity, Success, Influence, Title, Estate and unrealistic perpetual health - all things destined to perish and die. That mountain high and lifted up where we who dare serve Jesus must also stand and be tempted. But oh the seduction to, without struggle, indulge the wayward traveller to such a degree of drunkenness that they, in their deluded stupor, position themselves to accept and affirm any decree in order to keep all such stuff. Including a mark of subservience in a time not too distant perhaps? Revelation 13:16
Ah the hissss of Popularity, Success, Influence, Title, Estate and unrealistic perpetual health - all things destined to perish and die. That mountain high and lifted up where we who dare serve Jesus must also stand and be tempted. But oh the seduction to, without struggle, indulge the wayward traveller to such a degree of drunkenness that they, in their deluded stupor, position themselves to accept and affirm any decree in order to keep all such stuff. Including a mark of subservience in a time not too distant perhaps? Revelation 13:16
The wise servant lays up for himself treasures in HEAVEN where moth cannot destroy, nor thief steal, nor rust decay. The fool, where his flesh abides. And he who seeks after riches strays from the faith and brings upon himself many sorrows. Two masters after all, cannot be served by the same servant. 1 Timothy 6:10, Matthew 6:24.
Surely it was with much sorrow that Jesus lamented the fate of the rich young ruler. For He proclaimed it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven. The Lord's view of riches is universally different to that of mortal man. Why is it harder for the rich? Because there is too much to lose. It is their treasure, for it is where their heart resides. It has their confidence, constrains their faith to servitude, and demands their unwaivering devotion. It is very actually, a god. Were it not, the surrender of it would not even rise to a consideration. (Matthew 19:16-26) Alas, at this late hour, many have, in a very real sense, become so intimately one with these temporary trinkets and vanities, they are now veritably indistinguishable.
And how dark are the days for those who are so focused not upon Christ, but upon themselves and their endless collections and lust? They who cannot see their own wretchedness, who are even at this very time being called upon to choose, many to their own damnation. And how can they not see? Because they do not love the truth despite their proclamations. They have not been taught to prepare for the wrath to come, but rather to indulge themselves in the kingdom now.
Yet amid the darkness there is a great light. The good news that God Himself has provided a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind, delivered personally by grace, received through gifted faith and completely without human interaction.
The Apostle Paul, speaking of the true seed of God in Romans 9, says in verse 16 that human intervention in salvation is not possible in any sense. (See also Ephesians 2:8-9). In fact read the whole chapter and you will see that the only contribution we make to salvation is SIN. God's appointed sacrifice, and His sacrifice alone paid the penalty in full, which would have otherwise guaranteed us each eternal death in eternal fire.
It is Almighty God's plan of redemption for those who have been separated from Him by sin. That sacrifice was God Himself, incarnate, in human flesh. Fully God and fully man. Jesus Christ.
And this simple Gospel is largely unknown in the modern professing church.
It is Almighty God's plan of redemption for those who have been separated from Him by sin. That sacrifice was God Himself, incarnate, in human flesh. Fully God and fully man. Jesus Christ.
And this simple Gospel is largely unknown in the modern professing church.
Truly, one of the greatest fields white unto harvest is within the professing Church itself.
The clarion cry is for all... Repent, Believe.
The clarion cry is for all... Repent, Believe.