Monday, January 31, 2011

The Sinners Prayer - Can You Make A Decision For Christ?

Decision Theology: Can you make a decision for Christ?

This fine article was written by Pastor Brian Wolfmueller of Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, Colorado.

“Have you made a decision for Christ?” One often hears this question from radio and television preachers, or even from our friends and family. “Have you invited Jesus into your heart? Have you received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Have you dedicated your life to Christ?” Many churches have a “Time of Decision” at the end of their services, with altar calls and emotional appeals for the person to respond. All of these questions rotate around this same premise: the unbeliever has the ability and responsibility to chose Jesus. But is this what the Bible teaches? Can the unbeliever make a decision for Christ?

What Can We Do?

St Paul speaks of our conversion as a move from death to life. “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins.” [Ephesians 2:1, see also 2:5 and Colossians 2:13] Dead in trespasses and sins. Not sick, not crippled, dead. We are, says St Paul, dead in our sins, completely unable to chose or decide anything regarding Jesus. Again, St. Paul, “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” [1 Corinthians 2:14] The things of the Spirit of God, this certainly includes the truth of Jesus and His cross and death for us, all these things are unknown and unknowable to the natural man, the mind of flesh. The Gospel is “foolishness” [1 Corinthians 1:23,25] to those who do not believe. How, then, could we invite the unbeliever to make a decision for that which is foolish? It cannot.

Again, St Paul says, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.” [Galatians 5:17] Far from accepting the good news of Jesus, our sinful flesh fights against it. As Stephen, the first martyr after Jesus' Ascension, preaches to the Jews in Jerusalem, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you.” [Acts 7:51] Such accusation stands over all the unbelieving world, “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.” [Ephesians 4:18]

Far from having a free will to choose or make a decision for Jesus, the Scriptures speak of the natural condition of man as an enemy of God. “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.” [Romans 8:7] The fleshly mind “does not” and “can not” submit to God's law. Such sure testimonies should answer the question “Can we make a decision for Christ?” The Scriptures plainly tell us “no”. St Paul quotes from the Psalms, “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” [Romans 3:10-12] And the Lord Jesus testifies, “The light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” [John 1:5]

Conversion: God's Work

The Bible says that we cannot chose or turn to God, that we are completely helpless when it comes to heavenly things. How, then, are we to believe? Conversion, turning from death to life and from the devil to God is a work of God Himself; a work of God alone. We call this the teaching of monergism, God alone is the cause of our salvation; He creates faith [see Ephesians 2:8-10] and gives repentance as a gift. Such is the testimony of the Scriptures.

When they heard these things they fell silent. And they glorified God, saying, "Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life." [Acts 11:18]

One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. [Acts 16:14]

Jesus says, “All things have been handed over to me by my Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.” [Matthew 11:27] And again, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” [Matthew 13:11]

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. [1 John 5:20]

Just as the Lord spoke and the universe was created out of nothing, so our knowledge and trust in the Lord is created out of nothing in us. “For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” [2 Corinthians 4:6] God's Word alone creates faith in us. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. [Romans 1:16] So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. [Romans 10:17]

It is the Holy Spirit, working through the Word of God, who gives us faith and trust in Jesus and His cross, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. [Philippians 2:13] So what we learn in the Catechism is a marvelous summary of this Biblical teaching:

I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith.

In the same way He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith.

Our faith is a work of God the Holy Spirit through His Word.

Jesus' Work is Our Comfort

It is plain from the Scriptures that the unbeliever cannot make a decision for Jesus or invite them in to their heart, but that the Holy Spirit, through the Word, converts the heart and gives us faith. But does this matter?

Jesus teaches us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” [John 15:5] This is a verse of marvelous comfort, for here we have Jesus' promise that, abiding in Him, we will bear much fruit. But Jesus is also warning us to not think too highly of ourselves. “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Jesus means what He says, there is no doing anything good or holy apart from Him.

If we think that the unbeliever has the will to chose Jesus or make a decision for Christ, then we undo Jesus' words, as if He wanted to say, “Apart from Me you can do nothing except invite Me into your heart.” But Jesus wants us to have the comfort that He Himself, through the Holy Spirit, has given us repentance and faith.

Far from making a decision for Jesus, the Lord's people rejoice that He has made a decision for us, to die for us, to forgive all our sins, to baptize us into His family, and to call us through His Gospel. Our faith is Jesus' work, and this is our great comfort.

May our Lord's words to His disciples also grant us peace: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide.” [John 15:16]


Signs and Wonders, Frauds and Blunders Mind Control Techniques Used in the Church

The Word of God declares that deception in the church will be one of the primary hallmarks of the end times. The word translated ‘deceiver’ in our opening passage of Scripture is the word ‘phrenapatē's’ (pronounced: fren-ap-at'-ace) which literally means ‘a mind misleader’, that is ‘a seducer’.1 Interestingly, the word translated ‘seducer’ is the Greek word goēs’ (pronounced: go’-ace) which means ‘a wizard muttering spells, that is (by implication) an imposter: seducer’2

No matter which way you slice the cheese, deception is always wrong and neither glorifies God nor edifies the saint. Deliberately employed psychological mood altering techniques masquerading as spirituality is deception of the worst kind and is to be deplored.

Click HERE  to read the whole report.

Spurgeon on Discerning Doctrine and Heresy - A simple test.

Charles Spurgeon (1834-92)

In an age of ridiculous religious diversity, how may one discern between a true and false teacher, and between a true and false doctrine?

The answer, according to Charles Haddon Spurgeon is surprisingly simple and breathtakingly accurate!


Friday, January 28, 2011

God's Method of Debt Cancellation

Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?"

Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. "Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.' And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. But when that same servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii, and seizing him, he began to choke him, saying, 'Pay what you owe.' So his fellow servant fell down and pleaded with him, 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you.' He refused and went and put him in prison until he should pay the debt. When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their master all that had taken place. Then his master summoned him and said to him, 'You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?' And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart." Matthew 18:21-35 ESV

Whose debt do you need to forget today? Considering the greater debt forgiven you by God Himself.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sheep and Goats

Even in the animal kingdom goats sound like sheep. It's hard to tell them apart in a large herd as well. Perhaps that is why they prefer them. Hmmm?

With this in mind, read the answer to the question in the link below, and note well the spiritual implications in the illustration.


Click to Enlarge


Dominionist Youth Miss The Point

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hillsong the Spiritual Equivilent of HIV says Theologian

"Hillsong United should be avoided as if it were the spiritual equivilent of HIV. It will cause whoever comes in contact with it to contract a spiritual immuno-deficiency syndrome that will ultimately end in their spiritual death and send them to Hell" - Theologian Chris Rosebrough - Fighting For The Faith.Amen!

Them's fightin' words!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sharia Law For Australia?

No Jules, she won't be right!

ISLAMIC preacher Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon points heavenwards to emphasise his message for the governments of Australia - there is no God but Allah and only his laws should be obeyed.

An Australian-born convert to Islam, Siddiq-Conlon is the self-anointed leader of a group called Sharia4Australia, which is pushing for the introduction of sharia courts as a first step towards achieving Islamic law.

"One day Australia will live under sharia; it's inevitable," he said. "If they (Australians) don't accept it, that's not our problem. We hope, and our objective is to have a peaceful transition, but when you look at history that has never been the case. There's always been a fight. It is inevitable that one day there will be a struggle for Islam in Australia."

And a fight you shall have you child of the pit!

Read the whole report here...

Friday, January 21, 2011

From Seeker Synergy to Deliverance

Good talk on the Seeker Sensitive cancer infecting the Church from a pastor once deeply involved in it, now delivered from it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prosperity Gospel Confuses People says Pastor.

I don't believe the prosperity gospel confuses God's people. In fact I am quite confident that those who hear Yahshua's voice and follow after Him, know exactly what this heresy is, exactly what the players are and exactly who it is from.

Truly, the more you learn about God through His revealed Word, the more obvious and sadly laughable the fakes become.

Clearly the Bible is a place where Esau's progeny do not spend a great deal of time.

Too busy preening one another's feathers on Twitter I expect.

What do you think?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Not So Funny, Funny

John lives directly opposite a Seeker Sensitive church in the north eastern suburbs of Adelaide. One morning a smartly dressed man carrying a briefcase knocked on John's door. When John answered, the salesman began listing all of the available local services ranging from marriage counselling to How to be a rock star, and all for a measly $500 per year for 5 years.

John asked, "What services do you offer exactly? " To which the salesman replied... 

...teen pregnancy counselling, relational counselling, sexual abuse counselling, self improvement advice, fashion advice, life coaching, finance and investment advice, real estate advice, Learjet maintenance advice, raising teenagers advice, drug and alcohol counselling...

John stopped the salesman mid sentence and said, "Hey, you're not one of those religious nuts who wants to tell me that some guy called Jesus died for my sins on a cross, and that unless I repent of those sins an trust in this Jesus with everything I have, I will spend eternity in Hell are you?

The salesman laughed, and waving his hands in front of him said, "Oh no sir we would never do anything to upset our clients.. ha, ha, ho, ho..."

Pointing in the direction of the Seeker Church John said, "Tell me, why would I pay you $500 a year for five years when I can get the exact same thing over there every Sunday on a 10% instalment plan, and tax time guilt trip?

The salesman shrugged his shoulders and turned to walk away. Suddenly, in a moment of enlightenment John cried, "Wait, on second thoughts, you're probably cheaper".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Receding Waters, Escalating Rhetoric

As the flood waters in Queensland thankfully begin to recede and the inevitable political rhetoric begins to rise, Brian (I Need Even More Money Now) Hou$ton continues to tell anyone who'll listen... and anyone who won't, just how marvellously benevolent and generous he and his empire, err... church is. So much for doing one's alms out of sight.

Well, at least he's doing something, what are you doing? you may ask.

Doing my alms out of sight, would be my reply. 

I do not intend in any way to diminish the significance of the disaster, so please do not misunderstand me when I say that despite the terrible devastation and all the impacted lives involved, there was one significant mercy. The Influencers Conference scheduled to debut in Brisbane this week has been called off due to the disaster. Now if I were a cynic... ummm... I suppose it would be fair to say that it would have been very bad PR not to mention very bad taste to hold a fleece-a-thon in the midst of a physically and financially devastated city. Of course that's not quite the way they spin it on their webpage.

These pulpit-prenuers are shrewd, this is their life, and this is their nature. 

I wonder if the headlining Influencers will put their own money where their gaping mouths are and sow a seed offering of their own into the mix? And do so when no-one else is looking, as believers have been instructed.

Watch out for low flying pigs.

And then I came to think upon to whom the Influencer instigators will apportion blame for the Queensland floods, and the cancellation of their precious conference. Perhaps they will proclaim that the disaster presented them instead with an opportunity to impact their community by demonstrating what really nice, caring people they are - you know, 'the church they've always wanted', right Ash? What a wasted opportunity to preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Christ.

But just think about that for a moment... Who gets the glory in their plan? God sends a disaster to make them look good? It's certainly not so they can preach the Gospel with the lost, because ummm... they don't actually preach the Gospel. In fact the jury is out on whether they actually know it. Either way they'll come out victorious because it's all in the way they spin it.

Evenso, they actually do have quite a dilema when one takes a closer look. And remember it ALL BEGINS with Ashley's claim that God gave him the vision for this... thing. (See pic below)

So who is responsible? Enlightened Adelaide "Pastor" David Hall is on the record as stating it was not God. (See our blog on this) So what does that mean? Was it then the devil? Perhaps these people didn't give God enough permission to move in their midst? And what really surprised me was that they didn't collectively walk on the waters themselves and command the torrents to abate - the little gods they incessantly claim to be and all. Think of the notoriety.. er... publi.. er... glory to God that would generate... and God will tell them to proclaim it to the world on the Oprah Winfrey Show and maybe Jerry Springer.

Let's do some mental arithmetic while sanity remains...

Infiltrator instigator Ashley Evans, has publicly stated that God himself gave him the vision for the conference. If this were true, why would God then send a flood to ensure its cancellation? Is God opposed to God?

Deductive reasoning would therefore suggest that Satan be the author of the Queensland flood right? But there's a problem with this scenario too, because it means that God is not in control of His Creation as the Bible teaches. It also means that Satan's will to bring destruction is GREATER than God's will to bring a conference.

Do you see the dilemma? Who becomes the omnipotent God in this vapid economy?

Perhaps the flood was... I don't know... ummm... part of a natural cycle?... maybe? A once in a 200 year flood that just happened to flood a city that wasn't there 200 years ago? *shrugs*

The truth is that I can't say definitively. What I can say is that by employing the agency of nature God has certainly warned and judged nations in the past, and we know from Scripture He will do so again in the future. So it seems logical to assume that He is certainly capable of doing so in our present if He were so inclined. Nothing, after all is impossible for Him, despite the insane restrictions the prosperity crowd attempt to place on Him.

Now, I could be wrong, but it occurs to me that if God were to send such a warning or judgement, it would surely have been preceeded by strident warnings for sinners to repent, and followed afterwhich by the Gospel being preached, to give repentant sinners the opportunity to bow before God in contrition. And frankly, I don't see either. 

What I do see are WAY too many so called Christians playing games, with their priorities in all the wrong places. Fornicating with the world and calling it evangelism, chasing health and wealth and prosperity and success and notoriety. All the while preaching a false gospel with a false Christ and leading unsaved converts to a real hell.

Just an observation.

Our sincere prayers go out to those most effected by the devastation, and we give thanks for to God for the sparing of life and for the mountain of volunteers who selflessly and without fanfare or witnesses, stepped up to the plate to help put it all back together.

Despite what Ashley thinks, this Conference and all it represents is most definately NOT of God. So we pray that the remaining Influencer Conferences in Adelaide and Perth are also cancelled to avert an even greater tragedy than a flood.

Spread the word... there are wolves in the midst and they're on the prowl.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Calvinism Makes a Comeback

Weary of all the tripe, treakle and snake oil on offer at seeker sensitive goat pounds, people are turning to Calvinism in search of the simple truth of the Gospel according to a 2010 Christian Science report.

Calvinism essentially, is the doctrine which holds that man, being dead in trespasses and sin is not capable of 'choosing' or 'inviting' anything. Rather, the act of redeeming a sinner is the work of God alone, in its entirety. Calvinists hold to the doctrine of Election, namely that God chooses the sinner rather than the sinner choosing God. Calvinism however, is anathama to seeker sensitive / purpose driven and other charismatic, man centric ideologies.

Distressed and angry with what has happened to the Church since man got a say in God's plan of redemption through the Arminian concept, folk in their droves are turning away from the ridiculous excesses of huckster preachers and their deluded fellowships, and seeking simple faith and trust in the risen Saviour alone.

True revival drives people to the Word, not to churches. And true revival is focussed ENTIRELY on Christ.

Read the whole article HERE


"I used to be a worship leader before I became a Christian" - Tim Hawkins

Friday, January 14, 2011

Senator Grassley Update on Prosperity Pimp Investigation

Important video. Notice the focus on Creflo Dollar and his unwillingness to cooperate. This will allow the Government to increase its stranglehold on the Church. Good one Creflo!

Man of God my ear wax!

Christ Follower or Follower of Christ?

Believe it or not there is a vast difference between a Christ follower and a follower of Christ. The crowd who followed the Messiah down those dusty Judean roads watched in awe as He performed miracles, raised the dead and proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom of God. These same Christ followers also cheered His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, only to empty the contents of their open grave throats on His precious face just hours later.

Many claim to 'follow' Christ, just as many will say to Him on the day of judgment Lord, Lord...

On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' (Matthew 7:22-23 ESV)
Only those who have been supernaturally regenerated by God Himself and by God alone, through the redemptive, completed and substitutionary work Yahshua achieved on the cross, can truly claim to be followers of Christ.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Old Rugged Cross

When I first attended the Paradise Community Church in Adelaide South Australia it had an old rugged cross behind what is now a stage for a band, and a tower at its entrance proclaiming Jesus Saves and Jesus is Lord.

That was many years ago and most may find it hard to believe.

Why did they, and thousands of churches like them around the world do it?

Because that's not what they are about any more.

You don't advertise apples when you're selling oranges folks

John Gill's Commentary on Micah 3:5. BRILLIANT description of the prosperity movement. Written between 1746-1748.

Nothing new under the sun!

Mic 3:5 Thus saith the Lord, concerning the prophets that make my people err,.... The false prophets, as the Targum; and as the description given of them shows; who, instead of directing the people in the right way, as by their office and characters as prophets they should have done, they led them into mistakes about matters of religion and civil government, and out of the way of their duty to God and men, and exposed them to great danger and distress; and this was the more aggravating, as they were the Lord's people by name and profession, whom they caused to err from his ways and worship, which brought his displeasure upon them:

that bite with their teeth, and cry, peace; prophesy smooth things, promise all kind of prosperity and plenty, and bite their lips, and keep in those distresses and calamities which they could not but see coming upon the people; or, while they are prophesying good things, they gnash their teeth against the prophets of the Lord, and bitterly inveigh against them for threatening with war, destruction, and captivity; or, by flattering the people with their lips, they bite them, devour their substance, and are the cause of their hurt and ruin; or rather, so long as the people fed them well, and they had a sufficiency to bite and live upon, they foretold happy days unto them, So the Targum,

"he that feeds them with a feast of flesh, they prophesy peace to him;''

which sense is confirmed by what follows, and he that putteth not into their mouth, they even declare war against him; who do not give them what they ask, or do not feed them according to their desire, do not keep a good table for them, and cram and pamper them, but neglect them, and do not provide well for them; these they threaten with one calamity or another that shall befall them; and endeavour to set their neighbours against them, and even the government itself, and do them all the mischief they can by defamation and slander.


Queensland Floods and Other Gushers

From 'Pastor' David Hall, Lifepoint Church, Adelaide South Australia

Ummm David... You went to the ABC Bible College didn't you? I thought so, stands to reason, er... let me help you out here. The promise you're refering to addresses the complete destruction of the Earth. God never said there wouldn't be floods after that David. Read Matthew 24. It's in that book you thump on Sundays, the one whose pages are not quite as thin as your theology.

Ummm, by the way, what was Noah's flood for again? Wasn't it..... Judgement? From the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever? Or are we talking about a different god? Hmmm?

How do you know this wasn't a warning David? Would you mind Twittering God and get back to me? Thanks.

Any Pastor speaking on behalf of God had better know what they are talking about. You clearly do not.

See you soon.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Yeah... distasteful. When Yahshua said He would vomit out of His mouth the compromising, wishy washy, duplicious Laodician Church He meant exactly what He said...

"You make me sick!"

I have precisely the same reaction. 


It has been said that the Prosperity / Word Faith godspell is spiritual junk food. I want to assure you it is POISON
Proverbs 23: 1-8

"Consider dilligently what is laid out before you" is a command!

Monday, January 10, 2011

For as a man thinks in his heart...

Thank you brother Chris for pointing this out to me recently. One of the favourite misapplications of Scripture used by the faith over discernment camp, is Proverbs 23 verse 7.

But first a question. Is the practice of cherry picking a portion of Scripture from a narrative in which it is only a part, ethically honest? For it is surely not acedemically so. Is it even complimentary to the cause of those who believe there is still more stuff to get their 'holy hands' on (for 'the kingdom' of course) and more dreams to pursue in order to lift them ever onward and upward until they finally get to sit where they really believe they belong? Of course they'd never tell a soul... right? Well some are folks, and they're teaching others it's ok.

Let's look at that passage in context as see what that verse is really saying...

When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat. Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up, and lose thy sweet words. (Proverbs 23:1-8 KJV)

The one who is 'thinking in his heart' in this verse is not someone who needs to believe for a bigger anything. This is not talking about dreams or visions or faith. This is a warning for the wayward traveller to be on the lookout for WOLVES and their tempting delights. It is the ruler, who according to verse 7 does not have the best interests of his prey at heart seeking to seduce the wayward traveller. The ruler is a seducer, a deceiver and as HE thinks in HIS heart so HE is. And his heart is in his tempting delicacies. His god is indeed his belly - his insatiable carnal desires. He betrays himself by his seductions, and the fruit of his mouth reveals his heart. He is his father's son.

Sermons (for want of a better word) from ear tickling, dream weaving, vision obsessed, purpose driven, socialist facilitators have the spiritual nutrition of a cardboard sandwich. More importantly their mouths are open graves.

What is at the heart of the dream weaving prosperity movement?


The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

Just as their father. John 8:44

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Knowing Stuff

Knowing stuff is cool. I like to know stuff. But knowing 'stuff' is not as important as knowing God. And not just superficially, for these are cast aside, but intimately. Not in the shallows where we still see Him (pardon the analogy) as a kind of cosmic breast upon which we are still demandingly suckling after all these years. No, not in the shallows but in the deep where He calls His own to taste and see that He is good.

Cotton Candy Christianity is not Christianity, it is a sideshow not worth your patronage.

Anthropgenic Climate Change

Apply Hebrews 2:8 to both the stupidity of Anthropogenic Climate change, and the insane notion that the Church, rather than Christ, is the only hope for the world.

How is this NOT blasphemy?


Let your way of life be without the love of money, and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, "Not at all will I leave you, not at all will I forsake you, never!" so that we may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me." Hebrews 13: 5-6 [Emphasis mine]

Tracy, an emailer to Chris Rosebrough's Pirate Christian Radio program noted that seeker sensitive / prosperity preachers are actually sowing discontent into the minds of their followers by suggesting they have more stuff available to them than is in their present possession.

She posed the question, "Were not the Children of Israel also discontent in the wilderness on their way to the Promised land"? "Was God", she asks, "pleased with their discontent?" A very apt association and a very insightful observation.

Instead of resting in Christ and the assurance of His salvation this mesmerized THRONG of deceived people (with friends) are being trained to hunger for more than God ever made available to them.

They are told to 'dream', 'envision', 'earnestly desire', use the 'force of faith' to bring that thing into being.

Ummm... Idolatry... hello?! ... Don't care?

Believers are instructed to be content with what they already have. All this incessent seeking after the things of this world, its friendships, its temporary trinkets, earthbound successes and personal prominence betrays the participant as to whose kingdom they really belong.

False Teachers use Hypnosis via Music Against Christians

An Ex-Faith Healer Explains The Tricks Used(WOTM Radio)

Benny Hinn: A Massive Fraud & A Crook

The glory is for God alone...

Suddenly aware, embarrassingly again, of my absolute smallness in a greater tapestry not of my own weaving. To Yahshua alone be the glory, not man... not ever man.

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Don't Drink Beer

Corporate Church Worship

If this doesn't make you laugh there is something wrong with you!

Click here:

The Watchman Report - Rock and Roll, That Other Faith

This Watchman Report written in December last year, had a similar effect to that of jumping into a swimming pool while holding a cat. Folks, anything-goes-ism is NOT permitted for believers. Still nothing will stand in the way of the Brian Houston vision making machine... not even the truth. After all, who needs the truth when you have a vision - right Bri?


Redmond Tacks Predictably Left Before Her Imminent Reign

The following is both typical and disturbing. Some time ago we asserted that Christ rejecting ‘opposition’ leader Isabelle Redmond would ascend to the high chair here in South Australia, along with what we called her ‘stinking green mink’. This was an obvious reference to those social engineering hedonists in the Green Party masquerading as environmentalists. Her ascention has begun.

We’ll follow this one with interest because Redmond’s reign will NOT be beneficial to either free speech or expression of Christian faith and principal. Rann went part way with his insidious Freedom of Association laws, and Redmond will likewise do as she is told.

The Watchman Report - Playing The Pharisee Card

WARNING - ALL Humans To Be Microchipped By 2017

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Thinking of how things have changed. The disciples suffered for their faith, they didn't prosper. They were maligned and slandered, they were not celebrated and honoured. They lost their lives for Yahshua's sake, they did not 'find' them.

Their purpose was their Saviour, not their own ambition. Their gait was humble not haughty, and their hope was heavenward not earthbound.

My how things have RADICALLY changed!


Seems to me the fields white unto harvest mentioned in John 4:35 are most abundant within the professing Church.

On Giving

Giving, whatever that entails, in order to get back, is NOT 'giving' with a pure heart. In fact, it's not giving at all. The Soveriegn God is not a stock broker nor is His Church a stock exchange. Have we so soon forgotten the money changers in the temple? Giving in order to get back is not giving, it is engaging in a lottery. It is playing the market, seeking to reap a crop one did not sow, or receive money one did not earn. Don't fall for the prosperity spin. Thiers is a self sanctified pyramid marketing scheme designed to transfer your wealth into their bank accounts - in  Jeeeesus' name. And don't fall for the tithing guilt trip into Malachi. Tithing never was about money... EVER, and is not a New Covenant obligation.

Man are they in trouble!

Think about it, all we have is given by God - ALL of it, we have nothing of our own to give. It is by Him alone that we live and breath and have our being. He has need of nothing folks, even money to supposedly build 'His Kingdom' - the one He said was NOT of this world... remember?

Building and cleansing the Church is Messiah's work ALONE. The truth that most do not want to know is that their money is being used to build earthly kingdoms for power hungry little men and women who've already told their gullible, mesmerised and undiscerning devotees that they are little gods who want their 'inheritance' as well as their 'kingdom' NOW!

So I appeal to you, exercise great caution when you give and to whom, and then only give in order to give, as if unto God - simply that. Not under compulsion or intimidation or guilt, neither by yourself or interested others. Neither with strings attached so as to somehow manipulate God in order to get what you want. But out of a joyous and respectful heart.

Give to give and do it while no-one is looking! For this is right, bringing glory to God where glory belongs.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Updated Infiltrators 2011 Banner

Giving to the rich brings poverty... Says God

Giving to already wealthy preachers, regardless of where they tell you the cash is going, will get you precicely the opposite of what they promise... says God...

"He who crushes* the poor to multiply for himself, and he who gives to the rich, only come to poverty". (Proverbs 22:16)

*Crushes: Strongs: H6231 - aw-shak' A primitive root (compare H6229); to press upon, that is, oopress, defraud, violate, overflow: - get deceitfully, deceive, defraud, drink up, (use) oppress ([-ion], -or), do violence (wrong).

The Company We Keep

We are not bearers of light when we are companions of darkness - Tony Dean.


Something that REALLY ticks me off... When people identify a fault in another, insisting it will cost them their eternity in... like you know... Hell, and then do precisely NOTHING to steer them from it... What is that exactly? I mean, WAKE UP... what is that?

What is this claim to love the eternal God who sent His only Son to die for those who would care so less for a fellow sinner so as to not even attempt to turn he or her from error... What is that?

Starts with 'Hypo' ... ends with... 'crite'. It is what it is in the Greek: 'hupokrites' - AN ACTOR! (Strongs G5273)

Having the form of godliness but denying the power of that godliness by simply refusing its influence in their lives so as to effect a change... that's what that is! (2 Timothy 3:5)

It is the behaviour of a goat, not a sheep.

Monday, January 3, 2011

It always bothers me when professing Christians start quoting Ghandi, Rick Warren, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oprah Winfrey, John Lennon and Bono as if any of them had a clue about the truth. Slim pickings in that withering wilderness of 'wisdom' folks. Try God's Word when you're done with Dick and Jane... EYE OPENING! 1 Corinthians 2:1-16

False Teachers

Please take the time to watch this excellent presentation. We can add Brian and Bobbie Hou$ton, Ca$hely and Change Evans, Dr. Phil (Pringle) ad infinitum to the list of conspirators. We either need a wall of shame to keep up with all of them, or a refuge away from the likes of them! Seems to me BOTH would be prudent.

Click HERE

Reminder sent to Michael Chant

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Up to Who?

As believers, when we stroll down the path of entertaining the delusion that anything is up to us, we can pretty much rest assured that we have completely missed both the plan and the point!

True Believers

If Yahshua said that the world would HATE His own because of Him, why are so many 'Christians' bending over backward to be its friend? Kind of betrays them don't you think?

Real Light

Ever noticed how REAL light doesn't attract the moths and night crawlers?


For people of integrity, there is no wavering between person and principal. If this is not amplified in the child of God, we are not dealing with a child of God