Monday, January 17, 2011

Receding Waters, Escalating Rhetoric

As the flood waters in Queensland thankfully begin to recede and the inevitable political rhetoric begins to rise, Brian (I Need Even More Money Now) Hou$ton continues to tell anyone who'll listen... and anyone who won't, just how marvellously benevolent and generous he and his empire, err... church is. So much for doing one's alms out of sight.

Well, at least he's doing something, what are you doing? you may ask.

Doing my alms out of sight, would be my reply. 

I do not intend in any way to diminish the significance of the disaster, so please do not misunderstand me when I say that despite the terrible devastation and all the impacted lives involved, there was one significant mercy. The Influencers Conference scheduled to debut in Brisbane this week has been called off due to the disaster. Now if I were a cynic... ummm... I suppose it would be fair to say that it would have been very bad PR not to mention very bad taste to hold a fleece-a-thon in the midst of a physically and financially devastated city. Of course that's not quite the way they spin it on their webpage.

These pulpit-prenuers are shrewd, this is their life, and this is their nature. 

I wonder if the headlining Influencers will put their own money where their gaping mouths are and sow a seed offering of their own into the mix? And do so when no-one else is looking, as believers have been instructed.

Watch out for low flying pigs.

And then I came to think upon to whom the Influencer instigators will apportion blame for the Queensland floods, and the cancellation of their precious conference. Perhaps they will proclaim that the disaster presented them instead with an opportunity to impact their community by demonstrating what really nice, caring people they are - you know, 'the church they've always wanted', right Ash? What a wasted opportunity to preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Christ.

But just think about that for a moment... Who gets the glory in their plan? God sends a disaster to make them look good? It's certainly not so they can preach the Gospel with the lost, because ummm... they don't actually preach the Gospel. In fact the jury is out on whether they actually know it. Either way they'll come out victorious because it's all in the way they spin it.

Evenso, they actually do have quite a dilema when one takes a closer look. And remember it ALL BEGINS with Ashley's claim that God gave him the vision for this... thing. (See pic below)

So who is responsible? Enlightened Adelaide "Pastor" David Hall is on the record as stating it was not God. (See our blog on this) So what does that mean? Was it then the devil? Perhaps these people didn't give God enough permission to move in their midst? And what really surprised me was that they didn't collectively walk on the waters themselves and command the torrents to abate - the little gods they incessantly claim to be and all. Think of the notoriety.. er... publi.. er... glory to God that would generate... and God will tell them to proclaim it to the world on the Oprah Winfrey Show and maybe Jerry Springer.

Let's do some mental arithmetic while sanity remains...

Infiltrator instigator Ashley Evans, has publicly stated that God himself gave him the vision for the conference. If this were true, why would God then send a flood to ensure its cancellation? Is God opposed to God?

Deductive reasoning would therefore suggest that Satan be the author of the Queensland flood right? But there's a problem with this scenario too, because it means that God is not in control of His Creation as the Bible teaches. It also means that Satan's will to bring destruction is GREATER than God's will to bring a conference.

Do you see the dilemma? Who becomes the omnipotent God in this vapid economy?

Perhaps the flood was... I don't know... ummm... part of a natural cycle?... maybe? A once in a 200 year flood that just happened to flood a city that wasn't there 200 years ago? *shrugs*

The truth is that I can't say definitively. What I can say is that by employing the agency of nature God has certainly warned and judged nations in the past, and we know from Scripture He will do so again in the future. So it seems logical to assume that He is certainly capable of doing so in our present if He were so inclined. Nothing, after all is impossible for Him, despite the insane restrictions the prosperity crowd attempt to place on Him.

Now, I could be wrong, but it occurs to me that if God were to send such a warning or judgement, it would surely have been preceeded by strident warnings for sinners to repent, and followed afterwhich by the Gospel being preached, to give repentant sinners the opportunity to bow before God in contrition. And frankly, I don't see either. 

What I do see are WAY too many so called Christians playing games, with their priorities in all the wrong places. Fornicating with the world and calling it evangelism, chasing health and wealth and prosperity and success and notoriety. All the while preaching a false gospel with a false Christ and leading unsaved converts to a real hell.

Just an observation.

Our sincere prayers go out to those most effected by the devastation, and we give thanks for to God for the sparing of life and for the mountain of volunteers who selflessly and without fanfare or witnesses, stepped up to the plate to help put it all back together.

Despite what Ashley thinks, this Conference and all it represents is most definately NOT of God. So we pray that the remaining Influencer Conferences in Adelaide and Perth are also cancelled to avert an even greater tragedy than a flood.

Spread the word... there are wolves in the midst and they're on the prowl.

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