Monday, February 14, 2011

The Evil Heart of Seeker Sensitivity

What really angers me about Seeker Sensitive synergists is a many pronged goad. One is the kind of convert they generate through their man centric revival-thons. Completely deceived drones led to believe they have obtained salvation when in reality they have merely attained a fad church membership.

This swarming throng are called Churchtians, a product of shameful compromise, and they're coming to a Community Centre near you.

The scriptural knowledge of too many of these so called converts is completely non-existent, save a few misquoted half verses which they chant as if they were a talisman for troubled times. They know the words... the letter, but they do not know the One nor His intent, because their teachers do not know Him. And who can blame the student given their Seeker Sensitive mentoring? They can only perceive God through their senses because that is how they were taught to perceive Him. Their guides are blind just as the Word teaches. They are not satisfied with His written revelation of Himself, they desire more than He has made available. Ethereal appears to be the only way in which they can associate with Him, or believe they do better put. This therefore is not Christianity, it is mysticism.

Too many do not know God through the Word because His Word is not taught in their fellowships. Rather, it is strip mined in order to justify a preconceived, grand notion.

But by far, the greatest tragedy of all is that these lost souls believe they are saved when they clearly are not. They do not know Salvation because they have no understanding of Redemption. And how could they possibly? It has never met with their ears, let alone their hearts. And yet, per chance were they to know, the question would still remain, “redeemed from what”?

To facilitate appeal and a kindly image, there is no longer teaching on the terminally depraved nature of man and his propensity to do evil always. This reality has been replaced with the more lucritive... er... relative... "personal and awesome potential in Jesus". Sells lots of books, makes LOTS of money, not that that would ever be the incentive right? These speakers preach meology, and how their fans adore them for it. Jesus loves you, of course He does, who wouldn't?

Folks, grasp the reality of this... These people are not redeemed because they do not know what it means to be a sinner. And who is responsible for that? Who are they who strive to give the lost what they want at the expense of what they need?

Traitors masquerading as Christians have delivered to these non seeking seekers, a gospel that generously tickles their enlarging ears, while damning them to Hell in the process. And all in the name of another Jesus.

These proliferate wolves which our collective carelessness have allowed into the fold, have performed perhaps no greater evil against another soul than to deceive him with regard to his salvation.

Yes I burn with anger against them, who could not considering why Christ intentionally came? Is His sacrifice worth less to another than it is to ourselves?

Then warn them, ALL of them... and warn them loud. Time is short.

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